Hey Mister Szanderling give me your Dream

Hey Mister Szanderling give me
your dream and I’ll give you mine.

What are you looking for, o Mister
Toddle Peeps, so eagerly, ojay
why can you never bide your time,
like we may learn, await the tide to
rise, the tide to fall, as you must run
between it all, its come and go in
permanent e-mergency and never
out of breath or tripodtoddling and
hold to lay one moment lazy on your
warm brown mottled feather back
and staring in the sun hearing in
the murmur of the white blue
surf, Hey Mister Szanderling,
tell me the dream that you are
chasing for. Its me, that lonely
Zanderling who follows in your
trail, please give me once the
keynote of your plick-song when
the catching will prevail: what
are you looking for, hey Mister
Toddle Stint, what makes you
run so fast,what is the riddle
of your past? O yes, I hear

Your plick-tune tells what makes
you tick and run and pick and
back again: eternal search into
your seaborn victuals, the
shattered remnants of your
Love to Be, your Pulchri Studio,
calls for that Nymph Eurydice..

Hey Mister Zsanderling, we share
that dream, that destiny, you made
me see while staring in the sun,
what makes me tick and walk
and run along this shore: my
deepest Love, my lyre plicks
to call her back in vain: my
dearest Nymph Euridice, she
sleeps beyond the sea, hey
Mister Zsanderling your dream
is mine, no chance to get her
back again&back…Hey Mister..